
Work Continues

We went to 3 villages today, did 7 dogs and one cat – not as many as we are hoping to do, but we also met with the agriculture guy in one village, the one who poisons the dogs when needed and chatted with him about what we are doing, and about the ear tags to id dogs that have been spayed or neutered, so they are kept out of the poisoning.

In one village, we went to the school, where the children swarmed us, just like you see on tv. We took some pics of them, and they were all over us, wanting to see themselves on the digital camera screen. They then set up chairs for us in a classroom, and gave us an amazing singing session. They can harmonize so incredibly! It was extremely humbling, and some of us were in tears. Then they got us up to dance! It was so great.

I continue to be amazed at the beauty here. Everytime I step outside… the birds, the fish, the gardens, the ocean. Amazing. We saw dolphins in the water as we were boated to the village yesterday.

I have taken about 200 photos already, and burned them to disk, so will be able to hopefully post them when we get home.

We are going to 3 more villages tomorrow, hopefully more dogs. Even if we don’t do as many as we wanted to, we are at least saving some from the horrible poisoning death that they may face.

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